as is frequent with 意味

  • ~にはたびたびあることだが


        frequent:     1frequent v. しばしば訪れる, 交際する. 【副詞1】 I know that pub, but I don't frequent it much. あのパブは知ってはいるがあまり行かない He frequented the house night and day. 昼夜を問わずしばしばその家を訪れた. 【+前置詞】 The ruins ar
        to be frequent:    to be frequent 度重なる たびかさなる
        at frequent intervals:    頻繁に
        frequent a bar:    酒場{さかば}によく行く
        frequent a pawnshop:    質屋通いをする
        frequent a whorehouse:    売春宿{ばいしゅんやど}によく通う
        frequent activation:    高頻度{こうひんど}の活性化{かっせいか}
        frequent administration:    頻繁{ひんぱん}な投与{とうよ}
        frequent alternation:    頻繁{ひんぱん}に交代{こうたい}すること
        frequent attacks of:    ~の頻発性発作{ひんぱつ せい ほっさ}
        frequent awakening:    頻回{ひんかい}の覚醒{かくせい}
        frequent cause of:    《be a ~》~の原因{げんいん}になることが多い、~をよく[頻繁{ひんぱん}に]引き起こす
        frequent checkups:    定期検査{ていき けんさ}
        frequent contributor to:    《be a ~》~に何度{なんど}も[たびたび?よく]参加{さんか}する[貢献{こうけん}する?力を貸す]
        frequent conveyance:    多回運搬


  1. "as is conventionally done" 意味
  2. "as is customary" 意味
  3. "as is customary with" 意味
  4. "as is emphasized in" 意味
  5. "as is evident from these descriptions" 意味
  6. "as is further known in the art" 意味
  7. "as is further well known in the art" 意味
  8. "as is generally known" 意味
  9. "as is generally supposed" 意味
  10. "as is emphasized in" 意味
  11. "as is evident from these descriptions" 意味
  12. "as is further known in the art" 意味
  13. "as is further well known in the art" 意味

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